Google Tracking

When your site is launched and live on the internet, Google needs to be able to find it, and understand it. And you need to be tracking website visitors, enquiries, and marketing campaign results. We'll set Google Tracking up for you when you purchase your website with us, and show you how to use it.


How your site gets found by Google

Once your website is “live”, it’s important that Google can find it amongst the billions of websites on the web. It can take a few weeks for the Google bots to find your site, but we fast-track the process by notifying Google and sending a sitemap. And if you’ve added SEO information to every page, post and image, it will make Google’s indexing faster and more accurate.

Google Tracking

Google indexed this sitemap we submitted to them in February 21 and found 35 pages/posts, and keeps coming back to check it
for new content so it can update the index. This is essential for getting found in search results, and for tracking site activity.

Why it's important to track your website visitors

Once your site has been indexed by Google and you start promoting it through social media, Google Ads, email, on your business card, through ads, etc – it’s important to keep an eye on the statistics.

You want to know which of your marketing campaigns are working (or not) to bring traffic and generate leads.

We will set up the Google Tracking accounts for you, add the tracking code to your website and provide training in how to access and understand the powerful reports.

You can see -

  • how many visitors your site receives every day, week, month, year
  • which areas they live in
  • where they came from – organic search, facebook, an ad, etc
  • what pages they looked at, and for how long
  • how many filled out an enquiry form or clicked the link to call you

These insights are essential for planning future website content – eg: page updates, blogpost topics, etc. and reviewing which marketing activities are working (and which are not).


Our tracking setup process for Instant Tradie Website customers

After you have purchased your Instant Tradie Website, added your own content and we have launched it live on your domain, we do the following:

  • Setup new Google Analytics and Google Search Console Accounts for you and link them
  • Add the Google tracking code to your website
  • Submit your sitemap to Google and ask them to index it
  • Send you your login details
  • Provide access to our training on how to view all the important data - and what to do with it.

What if you already have a website but no Google tracking?

If you already have a website but you don't know if you have Google tracking on it, and you don't have access to your Google Analytics accounts to see your website performance data, we can help.

We'll check your site to see if the tracking code has been added in the past. Maybe it was added by your web developer, but you've never been given access to the accounts? Unfortunately, this is quite common.

Maybe it was never added in the first place. Well check it for you, and if not, we'll set up your accounts, add the tracking code to your site and show you how to use the information to plan and track your marketing and website performance.

Simple order either our Starter or Accelerator Package below and we'll set it all up for you and hand it over with training.


$125 plus GST
  • Create your Google Analytics Account
  • Create your Google Search Console Account
  • Link the two accounts
  • Create your sitemap and submit to Google
  • Create conversion tracking for form completions and click to call in Google Analytics
  • Create Google Tag Manager (GTM) account
  • Add Google Analytics and Google Search to GTM, add GTM tracking code to your website
  • Training video on how best to use Google Analytics and Search Console


$160 plus GST
  • Create your Google Analytics Account
  • Create your Google Search Console Account
  • Link the two accounts
  • Create your sitemap and submit to Google
  • Create conversion tracking for form completions and click to call in Google Analytics
  • Create Google Tag Manager (GTM) account
  • Add Google Analytics and Google Search to GTM, add GTM tracking code to your website
  • Add Google ads tracking code to GTM (you will need to setup your Google Ads account)
  • Add Facebook ads pixel to GTM (you will need to setup your FB advertising account. You must have a FB business page to do this)
  • Training video on how best to use Google Analytics and Search Console

* Upon receipt of your order we'll send you an email outlining what we need from you to get the Tracking setup.
Once setup, we'll send you details of your tracking assets, logins and the training.